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Amazon Buy With Prime Initial Results

We recently decided to test Amazon Buy with Prime.

Initial Conclusions (see image below):

  • Though Amazon claims BWP provides a D2C sales lift, it is too early to tell if BWP increases D2C sales

  • BWP has lower AOV with higher Net AOV after fulfillment fees vs D2C

  • BWP provides 12.8% higher Net AOV vs D2C and 14.5% vs FBA

  • Both D2C & BWP have higher AOV and Net AOV over FBA

  • FBA makes up for lower AOV and Net AOV with its substantial volume

  • Even if BWP does not increase sales, BWP is increasing our D2C take rate

  • Suspect that once Amazon removes the forked checkout (estimated late Q4 or early Q1), BWP AOV will increase to at least match D2C AOV

  • So far, BWP is a net win and worth continued testing

A couple of caveats:

  • Our test is only 3 days old thus the sample size of 9 BWP orders is small.

  • In our attempt to compare apples to apples when calculating Net AOV, we included all fulfillment and processing fees for orders from each channel while excluding storage fees and advertising costs.

    • Net AOV = AOV - Channel Fees

    • D2C Channel Fees = 3PL Pick/Pack + Shipping + Shopify processing fees

    • BWP Channel Fees = Amazon BWP Fees

    • FBA Channel Fees = Amazon Referral + non-storage FBA fees

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